Potty Training

Potty Training

  I don’t need to tell you why you don’t want you pup viewing your living area as their own personal toliet.  I will tell you is how to get past the gross phase of puppy hood where you are constantly  scrubbing at spots that  you really...
Balanced Training

Balanced Training

The fantastic duo Hank, and Charlie ready to train!     K9xoxo Dog Training is communication based, we listen to our dogs. We clarify expectations by building and re-enforcing good habits, We let our dogs know when they error, but also how to make the right...
Teaching a Dog Verbal Cues

Teaching a Dog Verbal Cues

“Mugsy, Down, Down, Doooowwwwwnnn, Down!” I repeat over and over again as Mugsy stares at me blankly, as if he is wondering exactly when I lost my mind. I then duck down touch my hand to the ground and say “Down”. Mugsy lies down and looks to...
Speaking your Dogs First Language.

Speaking your Dogs First Language.

Utilizing Your Body Language and capacity to create spatial pressure in Dog Training. When applied successfully spatial pressure between a dog and handler can look a bit like magic or some form of telepathy to an onlooker. When applied poorly your just some fool...