Breaking Focus

Breaking Focus

I am constantly trying to redirect my dogs attention back to me or get them to break their focus away from distractions.  My dogs have long since mastered the art of breaking my focus.  When they perceive that I am distracted from them for too long, Mugsy...
Double Dog Training

Double Dog Training

Training sessions with two dogs at the same is difficult. Both dogs have to know a really solid “Stay” and separate release commands. There is no way around that. Unless you want to crate one of the dogs, but that isn’t really a double dog training...
Not Quite Yet

Not Quite Yet

There is an Indonesian word for this, it is “Belum”. I stumbled along this little tid bit of knowledge during a rather trying time in my life. I used to repeat it like a mantra in my head when I felt stressed, or angry. Well not really, I didn’t have...
Rainy Days and Stuffed Dog Toys

Rainy Days and Stuffed Dog Toys

There are two type of stuff dog toys. The adorable plush kind, that are essentially like squeaky teddy bears. These might survive moderate chewing, but won’t survive a rainy day chew session. Then there are the rubber toys that you can stuff with yummy food, or...
How Dogs See a Smile

How Dogs See a Smile

“I looked him in the eyes and smiled at him so he knew it was okay.” Someone told me as Banjo enthusiastically dug in to his supper. My snarky response was. “So, you challenged him and bared your teeth?” I was being snarky. The person I was...