Potty Training

Potty Training

  I don’t need to tell you why you don’t want you pup viewing your living area as their own personal toliet.  I will tell you is how to get past the gross phase of puppy hood where you are constantly  scrubbing at spots that  you really...
Teaching “Leave It”

Teaching “Leave It”

Teaching Leave It After I had Mugsy dropping a treat on command I established Leave It as don’t grab the thing in the first place. To do this. I held a treat in my hand and showed it to Mugsy. I then closed my hand while giving the command “Leave...
Teaching “Drop It”

Teaching “Drop It”

“Drop It” is by far one of the most important skills both my dogs have learned. A solid “Drop It” can save a dogs life in the event that they have gotten their teeth into something dangerous, or even just gross. An important lesson I’ve...